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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hello and thanks for visiting my blog!

Hopefully what brought you here was an interest we both share, the desire for a healthy lifestyle! It's a brand new year, so I decided to make this blog to reach out to people who are looking to better themselves this year. Personally, last year was full of ups and downs as I sort of re-invented myself, educating myself on what changes I needed to make. I went natural with my hair, cutting off all my permed ends this past April. That was one of the best decisions I could make! Then this past November, I made a dramatic change in my diet.
My whole life I've loved food, even at times using it as a crutch or comforter. So I had an unhealthy relationship with food. Recently I'd noticed I was having issues with acne and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I researched home remedies, acne medications, and then I came across diet changes. I hadn't really considered taking meat out of my diet before. As I researched I realized a diet with vegetables, fruits, and fish would be very helpful in my efforts to get rid of acne, as well in other parts of my life.
Now this blog is not about making you deprive yourself of meat, or about keeping your hair completely unaltered. This blog is about communicating with others what you do to achieve a healthy lifestyle, so that even if they don't embrace everything you do, there is still something tangible and helpful they can then take away to use in their own lives. I celebrate diversity and value the variety and differences people possess. I hope this blog demonstrates that and that it is beneficial to you!

Watch my videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/elisiepooo
Or view pics on my fotki http://public.fotki.com/my-naturalness-is-showin/

--Femme Naturale