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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jordan Richardson

Now here's a model I've been seeing everywhere. I love that she has worn her hair unstraightened and out as a model, I'm seeing that more and more from other models, too. I love it!

Alek Wek

This is Sudanese super model, Alek Wek. She is an inspiration to me, not only because of her unique style, but also because she is true to herself. Some of my closest friends are Sudanese, and I am learning Arabic at the moment. I love my friends, and to me it is sad that people would rather make their beautiful skin seem like a defect rather than the wonderful characteristic it is.

I think many African Americans struggle with feelings of self-hate as far as thinking the lighter the better, or the straighter/longer the better. I love variety, it would be a boring world with out it.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm very happy to be seeing grass again. We got hit pretty hard with snow here in the midwest as did the rest of the country. I can't wait until the summer comes and I can get in the pool!

One of the perks that goes along with being natural us being able to get your hair wet without it ruining your do!

So if you're transitioning keep that in mind :)